Book Lhasa Apso in Bangalore

Available Lhasa Apso Puppies in Bangalore


Location: Bangalore


Location: Bangalore


Location: Bangalore


Location: Bangalore


Location: Bangalore


Location: Bangalore


Location: Bangalore

Explore the appeal of Lhasa Apso Puppies for Sale in Bangalore

In Bangalore, the prospect of welcoming a new furry companion into your home becomes even more exciting with the charming and affectionate Lhasa Apso puppies. As potential pet owners navigate the diverse avenues available for acquiring these delightful companions, a comprehensive understanding of the breed's characteristics, care requirements, and the available sources for purchase or adoption becomes paramount. The Lhasa Apso, originating from the mystic lands of Tibet, boasts a rich history as the cherished companion of Tibetan monks and nobility. Characterized by their small size, distinct coat colors, and unique features, Lhasa Apso puppies exhibit a temperament that combines intelligence with a certain independence, making them suitable for a variety of households. Understanding their exercise and training needs is crucial, emphasizing mental stimulation to harness their innate intelligence.

For those in Bangalore eager to embark on the journey of pet ownership with a Lhasa Apso, the search for reputable breeders is the first step. Choosing breeders with ethical practices ensures the well-being and health of the puppy. Alternatively, adoption centers and rescues in the city provide an avenue for those interested in offering a home to a Lhasa Apso in need. Online platforms also serve as a convenient medium, though caution is advised to verify the legitimacy of sellers and the health of the puppies.Preparing for the arrival of a Lhasa Apso puppy involves setting up a safe and welcoming environment, understanding their health considerations, and establishing a grooming routine suited to their unique coat. As responsible pet owners, attention to socialization, training, and engaging activities is vital in building a strong bond with these spirited companions. Acknowledging the common challenges associated with Lhasa Apsos, such as their independent nature and potential health issues, this guide provides practical solutions and insights to empower prospective pet owners in overcoming obstacles. Moreover, addressing long-term care considerations ensures a fulfilling and enduring relationship with your Lhasa Apso throughout their life.

Breed Name Lhasa puppies
Origin Tibet
Breed Group Non- Sporting Group
Height Female: 25–28 cm, Male: 25–28 cm
Weight Male:6-8 Kg; Female :5-7 kg
Lifespan 12-14 Years
Temperament Playful, Assertive, Intelligent, Friendly, Steady, Devoted, Lively, Alert, Energetic, Spirited, Fearless, Obedient
Apartment Friendly Highly
Price Rs. 33000

Benefits of Having Lhasa


Lhasa Apsos are renowned for their unwavering loyalty and affectionate demeanor. They often form strong bonds with their owners, becoming devoted companions. Their loving nature makes them excellent therapy dogs, offering emotional support and a comforting presence.


The adaptability of Lhasa Apsos is a standout feature, making them suitable for various living environments. Their size and moderate exercise requirements mean they can thrive in both apartments and houses. This adaptability is particularly advantageous for individuals with dynamic lifestyles or those residing in urban settings.

Low Shedding

While Lhasa Apsos have a luxurious, long coat that requires regular grooming, their low shedding is a notable advantage. This characteristic is beneficial for individuals with allergies or those who prefer to maintain a clean living space with minimal hair accumulation.

Alertness and Watchdog Qualities

Despite their small stature, Lhasa Apsos possess a natural instinct for alertness. They make excellent watchdogs, quickly detecting and alerting their owners to potential threats. This watchful nature adds a layer of security to the household, creating a sense of safety


The intelligence of Lhasa Apsos opens the door to interactive and stimulating activities. They are quick learners, responding well to training sessions that include commands and tricks. This intelligence not only makes them enjoyable to train but also fosters a strong bond between the owner and the dog through mental engagement.

Long Lifespan

Lhasa Apsos are known for their relatively long lifespan compared to some other small breeds. With proper care, regular veterinary check-ups, and a balanced diet, they can enjoy a healthy and active life well into their teenage years. This longevity allows for enduring companionship and shared experiences.

Moderate Exercise Requirements

The moderate exercise needs of Lhasa Apsos make them adaptable to various activity levels. A daily walk, coupled with some playtime, is usually sufficient to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. This characteristic is particularly advantageous for individuals or families with varying levels of activity.

Good with Families

Lhasa Apsos are often considered excellent family dogs. Their gentle temperament makes them suitable for households with children. Proper socialization from an early age contributes to their positive interactions with family members, fostering a harmonious relationship within the family unit.

Low Maintenance Size

The compact size of Lhasa Apsos contributes to their ease of management. They are well-suited for smaller living spaces, and their portability makes them ideal travel companions. This low-maintenance size enhances their versatility, allowing them to fit seamlessly into various lifestyles.

Therapeutic Benefits

The therapeutic benefits of having a Lhasa Apso extend beyond companionship. Numerous studies have shown that interacting with pets can reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness. The calming presence and unconditional love of a Lhasa Apso can contribute significantly to an owner's overall well-being, both mentally and emotionally.

Important Considerations Before Getting Lhasa

Lifestyle Compatibility

Activity Level: Assess your daily routine and energy levels. Lhasa Apsos, while adaptable, still require daily walks and playtime. Ensure you can meet their exercise needs and provide mental stimulation.

Work Schedule: Consider your work schedule and how much time you can dedicate to your pet. Lhasa Apsos thrive on companionship, so if you have long working hours, arrangements for a pet sitter or doggy daycare may be necessary.

Living Space

Apartment vs. House: Lhasa Apsos are well-suited for apartment living, but they need a secure and comfortable space. Ensure your living arrangements allow for a pet-friendly environment with adequate space for them to move around

Safety Measures: Puppy-proof your living space by removing potential hazards. Secure balconies, keep toxic plants out of reach, and create a designated area for your Lhasa Apso to rest.

Time Commitment

Quality Time: Lhasa Apsos thrive on human interaction. Assess whether you can dedicate time each day for activities, play, and bonding. They can develop behavioral issues if left alone for extended periods.

Routine and Consistency: Dogs, including Lhasa Apsos, appreciate routine. Be prepared to establish a consistent schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime.

Grooming Requirements

Daily Maintenance: The long, flowing coat of a Lhasa Apso requires daily brushing to prevent matting and tangling. Consider whether you have the time and willingness to commit to their grooming needs.

Professional Grooming: Factor in the cost and frequency of professional grooming sessions. Regular grooming not only maintains their coat but also contributes to their overall health.

Training and Socialization

Positive Reinforcement: Lhasa Apsos respond well to positive reinforcement training. Understand the principles of reward-based training and be patient and consistent in teaching commands and desirable behaviors.

Socialization Opportunities: Plan for opportunities to socialize your Lhasa Apso with various environments, people, and other pets. Early socialization is crucial for their well-rounded development.

Healthcare Costs

Routine Veterinary Care: Budget for routine veterinary care, including vaccinations, parasite prevention, and dental check-ups. Regular vet visits contribute to the overall well-being and longevity of your Lhasa Apso.

Emergency Fund:Have an emergency fund for unexpected veterinary expenses. Pets can encounter accidents or sudden health issues, and being financially prepared ensures prompt and necessary care.


Allergen Testing: If anyone in your household has allergies, consider spending time with a Lhasa Apso before bringing one home. While they are considered hypoallergenic, individual sensitivities vary.

Family Considerations

Family Consensus: Ensure that all family members are on board with the decision to bring a Lhasa Apso into the family. Discuss responsibilities and establish a plan for caring for the dog collectively.

Children and Pets: Educate children on how to interact with the new pet, emphasizing gentleness and respect. Supervise initial interactions to ensure a positive relationship.

Budgeting for Pet Expenses

Comprehensive Budget: Create a comprehensive budget that includes all potential expenses associated with pet ownership. Factor in costs for high-quality dog food, grooming supplies, toys, licensing, and any unforeseen medical expenses.

Long-Term Commitment

Life Expectancyt: Understand that owning a Lhasa Apso is a long-term commitment. Consider your ability and willingness to care for your pet throughout their entire life, which can span over a decade.

Life Changes: Anticipate life changes such as relocations, job changes, or family additions, and assess how these changes may impact your ability to care for your Lhasa Apso.

Lhasa Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find Lhasa Apso puppies for sale in Bangalore?

Lhasa Apso puppies can be found through various sources in Bangalore. Reputable breeders often advertise in local newspapers, online classifieds, or through referrals. Adoption centers, rescue organizations, and online platforms also offer opportunities to find Lhasa Apso puppies.

What is the average price range for Lhasa Apso puppies in Bangalore?

The average price for Lhasa Apso puppies in Bangalore can vary based on several factors. Reputable breeders who prioritize the health and lineage of the puppies may charge between INR [X] to INR [Y]. Keep in mind that higher prices may indicate better care and breeding practices.

How can I identify a reputable Lhasa Apso breeder in Bangalore?

Identifying a reputable breeder involves thorough research. Look for breeders with positive reviews and testimonials, a clean and well-maintained environment for the puppies, and a genuine love for the breed. A responsible breeder will be transparent about the puppy's health history and provide references upon request.

Are there any adoption centers or rescues in Bangalore that have Lhasa Apso puppies?

Yes, several adoption centers and rescues in Bangalore may have Lhasa Apso puppies available for adoption. Local animal shelters, rescue organizations, and online adoption platforms are good places to inquire. Adopting a puppy from these sources not only provides a loving home for the pet but also supports responsible pet ownership.

What health considerations should I keep in mind when purchasing a Lhasa Apso puppy?

When purchasing a Lhasa Apso puppy, ensure that it has received appropriate vaccinations and inquire about its health records. Reputable breeders will provide detailed health information and may offer a health guarantee. Be aware of any genetic health issues associated with the breed and ask the breeder about the puppy's lineage.

Do Lhasa Apsos require special grooming?

Yes, Lhasa Apsos have a distinctive long coat that requires regular grooming. Daily brushing is essential to prevent matting and tangling of their hair. Professional grooming sessions, including baths and coat trims, may also be necessary. Establishing a grooming routine early in the puppy's life helps them become accustomed to the process.

How can I ensure the legitimacy of online sellers offering Lhasa Apso puppies in Bangalore?

Legitimate online sellers should have a verifiable online presence, including a website with detailed information about their breeding practices and available puppies. Request references from previous buyers and consider visiting the seller in person to meet the puppies and assess the living conditions.

What should be included in the purchase agreement when buying a Lhasa Apso puppy?

A comprehensive purchase agreement should include details about the puppy's health, vaccination history, and any specific terms or conditions of the sale. The agreement may outline the responsibilities of both the buyer and the seller, providing clarity on the expectations regarding the puppy's care.

Are Lhasa Apsos good family pets?

Yes, Lhasa Apsos are known for their gentle and affectionate nature, making them suitable family pets. They often get along well with children when properly socialized and can adapt to various family dynamics. Supervision is recommended, especially with younger children, to ensure positive interactions.

What are the common challenges associated with Lhasa Apsos, and how can they be addressed?

Common challenges with Lhasa Apsos may include stubbornness and potential health issues, such as dental problems. Consistent positive reinforcement training from an early age can help address behavioral challenges. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and dental care contribute to the overall health and well-being of the Lhasa Apso. Early socialization is also crucial to ensure they are comfortable in various environments and with different people and pets.

Why Choose Planapup?

Healthy Pet

As passionate pet lovers ourselves, we deeply value the health and well-being of our pet friends. Before your precious bundle of joy arrives, they undergo a thorough health examination by a licensed veterinarian.

Vaccinated & Insured Pet

All our puppies are not only up-to-date on their vaccinations but also come with insurance coverage for a trouble-free start.

Responsible Breeders

All of our puppies are raised by responsible breeders who prioritize their pet's health and well-being above all else. We have a zero-tolerance policy for puppy mills.

Parvo test

Canine parvovirus, is a contagious and resilient virus posing a threat to the gastrointestinal health of dogs. We conduct a thorough parvovirus test before your pet joins your home to ensure health and safety.

Video Call Verification at the Time of Dispatching

Our full video call service, lets you connect with your pet before they arrive at your doorstep, which ensures that the pet you see in the video will be the same pet that arrives in your loving arms.

Lhasa Apso Frequently Asked Questions